Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fun with Urban Legends (Part 2)

Urban Legend #2: Orthodox Jews have sex through a bed sheet

Like all silly myths, this one has an eensy-weensy kernel of truth to it.  Very religious Jews abstain from all affectionate contact, including hugging and sometimes even handshakes, with members of the opposite sex.  The exclusions to this rule are immediate relatives and spouses.  Additionally, sex and all physical contact that could plausibly lead to it are forbidden to married couples at certain times.  Someone decided to take these restrictions to the logical, albeit insane conclusion that religious couples are not permitted more physical contact than necessary for sex.  Obviously, the only way to prevent unnecessary physical contact is by having sex through a hole in a bed sheet.
The truth is that Judaism as a religion is very into meaningful, good quality sex.  Sex is the woman's right, and the man's obligation.  A man cannot change jobs without his wife's permission if it would mean a reduction in the amount of sex to which she is entitled.  Friday night is designated "suggested sexy time."  Refusal to ever get completely naked with one's spouse is grounds for divorce.  Fetishes are permitted so long as they do not inherently require violating Jewish law.  Then there's this recent sociological study that demonstrates that, on average, women who separate from their husband during menstruation as required by Jewish law enjoy sex more.

A more in-depth explanation can be found at Snopes.

Conclusion: This is not the kind of religion that requires sex through a sheet.

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